Date of Award

Spring 3-1-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The implementation of an organizational culture change has many complexities and nuances; it is important to acquire the cooperation of employees and collaborate with them in order to reduce resistance and increase participation as such acts could lead to successful implementations. The purpose of this research paper is to describe an approach that will increase employee participation during and after implementation of an organizational culture change. This paper will discuss literary work and scholarly journals that examine organizational culture change, its recommended approaches, and its effects on an organization and its employees. The review of literature will demonstrate the importance of why this topic should be researched. This study will consist of both quantitative and qualitative data collection through the use of surveys and key informant interviews. The collected data will be examined to provide further insight and explanations which will support or oppose this approach. The aim is to create an approach that can be used with employees whenever an organizational culture change is or to be implemented. This paper provides value by offering an approach to exchange information between employees of identical or comparable classification status or employees of different hierarchal classification status.

The researcher conducting this study is an employee of Social Services Agency. This study was conducted as an independent study for the purposes of fulfilling a graduate research study requirement. This study was not sponsored or endorsed by the organization.
