"Mandating California Law Enforcement Officers to Wear Body-Worn Camera" by Perry Yuen


Perry Yuen

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Mandating California law enforcement officers to wear body-worn cameras (BWC) will reduce complaints and lawsuits, and increase public trust and accountability. The “use of BWC reduces citizen complaints” ( Braga, A., 2019) and “reduces liability lawsuits.” (Koslick, W.M., 2019) Usage of BWC will build trust and legitimacy.”(Elliott, J., 2015 & Pyo, S., 2021) Moreover, using BWC is synonymous with accountability. (Koen, B., 2021) The Sacramento Sheriff’s Office is a mid-sized law enforcement agency in Sacramento, California. This mixed method research (MMR) study investigated how using BWC can reduce complaints and lawsuits and increase public trust and accountability. Data was collected from 79 Sacramento residents. (n=74 quantitative; n=5 qualitative) The analyzed data of Pearson correlations between the core themes compositions processes showed that all items were positively related and significant. As per the inputs, processes, and outputs, using BWC will benefit law enforcement agencies in California.
