"Implementing a Specialized Housing Assistance Program for Veterans" by Ernesto Olivares

Date of Award

Summer 7-20-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The distinctive needs of veterans, especially mental health and unstable housing during their transition to civilian life—a dedicated housing aid program plays a vital role. This study applied a Mixed-Methods research approach to assess the viability and impact of such a program. Surveys and interviews with 165 veterans yielded data (n = 150 quantitative, n = 15 qualitative). Financial planning services were approved by 76% of respondents, job training programs were endorsed by 90.7% and mental health counseling was stressed by 39.3%. All veterans (100%) concurred that having stable housing would greatly enhance their general and mental health. The study revealed how crucial comprehensive support services were to improving veterans’ long-term housing stability and mental health outcomes. This study intended to identify hurdles and establish more efficient techniques for providing veterans with housing information by examining outreach and communication strategies. The creation of future programs to assist veterans of the 9/11 attacks could be influenced by comparative evaluations of different housing programs and the experiences of veteran families.
