"Ethics of a Law Enforcement Administration: Modern Day Police Ethics;" by Howard H. ("Butch") Morris

Date of Award

Spring 2004

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Over the years, Law Enforcement Administrators have all managed their respective jobs in their own communities by their own various ways. Many of these ways were considered to be very unethical in their manner by modern day standards and modern-day ethics. My Capstone project will deal with looking at what the management style and ethics were in the past and what they appear to be in modern days (the practice of either being perceived as ethical or unethical). One of the primary questions for these Law Enforcement Administrators of these ethical behaviors seems to be, are they actually being unethical in their practice or just a matter of doing business in modern times? Also, will our modern-day ethical behaviors change or need to be changed based on the possible ways that Law Enforcement Administrators act today or may act in the future? This problem will try to reach some kind of conclusion based on past history, articles about ethical behavior and my survey, which was sent out to 389 individual administrators.
