"THE MORE-ACT BILL AND COMMUNITES OF COLOR More-Act Bill ( H.R. 3884 )" by Bolston Jones


Bolston Jones

Date of Award

Summer 6-29-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


This research focuses on the MORE-Act bill and the intersections of the legalization of marijuana, the disparate effects on the war on drugs for communities of color, and financial reinvestment into certain persons, business and social programs and services to better serve vulnerable communities impacted by the war on drugs. The primary data and themes in the literature review of this research gathers scholarly and practitioner arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana and its effects on persons of color. The data will be used to validate my three research assumptions about the bill and collected through a mixed methods approach using structured key expert interviews and surveys using a convenience sampling. The study’s potential impact may lead to a decrease in marijuana related arrests in communities of color particularly among African American and Latino/Hispanic men.
