Date of Award

Fall 2007

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


In the past five years, several Washington State School Districts have experienced a financial crisis. In the summer of 2007, one school district was dissolved due to its inability to remain a going concern from a financial perspective. Current information provided to those who monitor the school districts is not predictive of such events and may only provide data that would detect a financial crisis that has been occurring for several months or longer. In addition, the current reporting system for Washington State School Districts is comprehensive, but the data and information provided by the system is neither intuitive nor easily understood by experienced users.

The purpose of the present study was to determine the feasibility of developing a financial warning or indicator system for Washington State School Districts.

This study also sought to answer the following questions: 1) Is there a perceived need for a financial warning system to be developed? (2) What are the greatest risks that should be addressed in a financial warning system or indicator system? and (3) Are there examples of financial indicator systems or financial warning systems in place in other States that Washington State School District's could adapt to meet the of its customers? The research questions were addressed through the collection of survey data, interviews of key stakeholders, a review of applicable literature, and a review of systems in place in other State systems.
