Date of Award

Winter 12-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


As the Recovery Movement continues to gain momentum in community mental health programs, organizations must adjust their way of doing business in order to support the personal growth of individuals living with mental illness. By hiring mental health Peers to work alongside professional and paraprofessional staff in the Mental Health Division of Napa County Health and Human Services Agency, individuals will be one step closer to gaining professional status as a Peer Specialist which will support individuals’ efforts in recovery from mental illness. The organizational culture of the Mental Health Division was assessed in order to determine the climate of the organization and changes that need to be made in order to successfully develop a program to hire mental health Peers in the Division. Program staff participated in a survey of questions focused on the culture and training needs of the Division as related to hiring Peer Providers. Subject matter experts were interviewed to gain further insight into the concept of hiring mental health consumers. The analyzed survey results determined the organizational culture and highlighted areas in need of improvement in order to successfully develop a plan to hire mental health Peers. Policy recommendations were made to develop and implement the plan.
