Date of Award

Spring 2005

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The City of Vacaville has for the last several years undergone significant funding reductions from both the state and federal governments. This may ultimately impact the Police Department's ability to provide the current service-delivery levels to future developments. Therefore, alternative fiscal resources need to be identified . A Public Safety District (PSD) tax could be used to purchase equipment and pay salaries and related expenses for police personnel. Public Safety Districts, if found to be a viable option, could be implemented in future developments to ensure adequate police service delivery. This paper researched and studied the potential feasibility of a Public Safety District concept and was accomplished by conducting surveys of residents who own their homes as well as those who do not and by interviewing government officials. Additionally, research was conducted on various special service district concepts. It also included examining a proposed residential development which would result in approximately 3,750 new residents and the development's overall impact on the Police Department.
