"Finding the way home: A Proposal to Investigate the Causational Factor" by Michael Cole


Michael Cole

Date of Award

Winter 12-26-2008

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


As with much of the nation, homelessness is a growing concern in Bradley County, Tennessee. This paper will explore the possible causes of homelessness as well as the changing causational factors as they relate to the number of homeless. It will also ask what changes have occurred in the availability of mental health services and what services could be utilized to reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness . The research for this paper will include survey instruments, personal interviews, and literature reviews that will be conducted over a four week period. Populations involved in this research will include homeless individuals; government; business and industry officials; and healthcare professionals. The research will be analyzed to determine the factors that cause homelessness and possible strategies to address it and promote self-sufficiency .
