Date of Award

Spring 5-21-2005

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


In 2002, the homelessness crisis in San Francisco commanded the attention of local government officials, which led to the development of the Care Not Cash initiative (Proposition N). In the November 2002 election, the voters passed the Care Not Cash program (Proposition N), which proclaimed it would significantly alter how General Assistance is provided to single adults who are homeless. The program is designed as such that homeless people who receive cash aid from the City's County Adult Assistance Program (CAAP) is phased into the Care Not Cash program over a seven month period. After which, those homeless CAAP clients are offered shelter in lieu of the cash benefits received through CAAP.

This paper proposes to evaluate the progress of the Care Not Cash program by analyzing the strategic plan, implementation and results produced thus far. There will be interviews conducted with local level officials, key program managers from the Department of Human Services, homelessness advocates and Care Not Cash Program beneficiaries.
