"The Northern California Earthquake" by California Senate

Document Type

Committee Report

Publication Date



On October 17, 1989, an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale hit Northern California causing massive destruction of buildings, roads, bridges, and homes. Part of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed as did a section of 1-880, in Oakland, along with other transportation links. lives were lost throughout the path of the quake, and many Californians found themselves homeless or living in makeshift tents. The quake cost 62 lives -making it the most deadly California quake since the 1933 temblor which caused massive devastation to Long Beach. The cities and communities of San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Watsonville, and others threw their emergency agencies into the fight against further damage and loss of life. The cooperation between state, local, and federal officials was exemplary. After a delegation from the State Legislature returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. to urge swift assistance from Congress and the White House, Governor George Deukmejian called the Legislature into Extraordinary Session on November 2, 1989. The Legislature has grappled with what steps to take to minimize the personal tragedies caused by the earthquake, to repair damaged public buildings and private businesses, and to enact measures which would help to prepare California for future natural disasters. This is the report of the Legislature's actions.


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