"Hearing on Groundwater Contamination" by Assembly Committee on Consumer Protection and Toxic Materials

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Our hearing this morning is concerned with the health and environmental effects of groundwater contamination and strategies for the monitoring and cleanup of contaminated wells. Because the contamination of drinking water by organic chemicals is widely evident, this committee has a responsibility to examine these effects and insure they do not impose a risk to the public health and environment. This hearing will examine the development of groundwater contamination in the San Gabriel Valley and the associated health risks of exposure to organic chemical contaminants such as tricholoroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE). There has been a general concern that these substances have a variety of health effects in exposed humans and test animals. We will also examine state efforts to coordinate monitoring programs for the wells. Finally, we will address the concerns of affected water utilities and their efforts to clean up wells contaminated with TCE and PCE. The examination of various funding mechanisms for clean up costs will be a primary focus today.

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