"Defense Conversion Resource Guide" by Assembly Task Force on Defense Conversion

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



The bipartisan Assembly Task Force on Defense Conversion was created in March 1993. The mission of the 23-member Task Force is to maximize federal defense conversion funding for California and assist communities in the defense conversion process. During the last seven months, Task Force members have worked toward accomplishing this mission through a variety of activities, which include:

• Establishing a hotline for assistance on available federal and state grants and other defense conversion-related activities; Conducting regional hearings in the Bay Area and Southern California to identify barriers to federal and state assistance in defense conversion;

• Providing the Congressional Task Force on Defense Reinvestment and Economic Development with suggested federal legislation to remove the barriers to defense conversion;

• Conducting special hearings on base facility reuse and defense worker retraining opportunities through Task Force working groups (worker retraining, community adjustment, and defense industry adjustment);

• Convening workshops on base reuse planning, toxic cleanup, and economic development for California communities affected by scheduled base closures; and

•Introducing legislation, which was signed into law, to assist communities in the military base reuse and defense conversion process.

The Task Force seeks to further accomplish its mission by providing this Defense Conversion Resource Guide.

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