"Legislative Summary - 2013 Session" by Assembly Committee on Business, Professions and Consumer Protection

Document Type

Committee Report

Publication Date



The jurisdiction of the Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protection Committee includes the regulation of healing arts and non-healing arts professions; licensing and enforcement issues for all boards and bureaus within the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA); creation and elimination (sunsetting) of agencies, boards and commissions under DCA; certain elements of the Department of General Services; charitable solicitations; product labeling (except agricultural and medical); and consumer protection generally, including privacy. During the 2013 session of the California State Legislature, the Committee held a total of 22 hearings, including three joint Sunset Review hearings with the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee, and two joint hearings with the Assembly Select Committee on Privacy. A total of 123 bills were referred to the Committee during 2013, of which 90 were heard and 87 passed by the Committee. A substantial majority of those 123 referred bills dealt with the Committee’s primary area of concern – the regulated professions. Professional regulation affects dozens of businesses and licensees throughout California, including: accountancy; acupuncture; architects; automotive repair; barbering and cosmetology; behavioral sciences; contractors; court reporters; dentists and dental auxiliaries; dispensing opticians; electronic and appliance repair; funeral, cemetery, and crematory establishments; geologists and geophysicists; guide dogs for the blind; hearing aid dispensers; home furnishings and thermal insulation; land surveyors; landscape architects; massage professionals; midwives; nurse assistants; optometrists; pharmacists; physical therapists; physicians and surgeons; physician assistants; podiatrists; private postsecondary and vocational education; professional engineers; professional fiduciaries; psychiatric technicians; psychologists; registered nurses; respiratory care; security and investigative services; speech-language pathology and audiology; structural pest control; telephone medical advice; veterinarians and veterinary technicians; and vocational nurses. The Committee also sees a broad range of legislation that deals with commerce and consumer protection generally, including: advertising, vehicle sales, junk dealers and recyclers, green building standards for state buildings, pharmacies, Internet privacy, franchising, and prescription drugs.

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