"Coastal Energy Development: The California Experience" by California Coastal Commission

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



Since the enactment of the California Coastal Act of 1976, the California Coastal Commission has been at the forefront in dealing with a multitude of energy developments proposed along the coastline. Consideration of these proposals has involved issues of national importance. During the last four years, the Coastal Commission has dealt with power plant siting, port master planning, energy planning in the preparation of local coastal programs in 68 coastal cities and counties, and offshore petroleum exploration and development.

This handbook is intended to share the insight of the Commission with local governments, energy companies seeking state approval of their development proposals, and other coastal states involved in energy development. This information will be helpful to those concerned with addressing this nation's pressing energy needs. The handbook also demonstrates that it is clearly possible to meet those needs without despoiling our natural environment.

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