"Water Resilience Portfolio, January 2020" by California Natural Resources Agency, California Environmental Protection Agency et al.

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Cal State Document

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In April 2019, Governor Newsom directed state agencies through Executive Order N-10-19 to develop a “water resilience portfolio,” described as a set of actions to meet California’s water needs through the 21st century. The order identified seven principles on which to base this portfolio:

  • Prioritize multi-benefit approaches that meet several needs at once » Utilize natural infrastructure such as forests and floodplains
  • Embrace innovation and new technologies
  • Encourage regional approaches among water users sharing watersheds
  • Incorporate successful approaches from other parts of the world
  • Integrate investments, policies, and programs across state government
  • Strengthen partnerships with local, federal and tribal governments, water agencies and irrigation districts, and other stakeholders.

In response, state agencies developed an inventory and assessment of key aspects of California water, soliciting broad input from tribes, agencies, individuals, groups, and leaders across the state. An interagency working group considered this assessment and public input and developed a portfolio, which can be defined as the integrated use of a broad range of actions. It is intended to strengthen the resilience of water systems, thereby helping communities prepare for disruptions, to withstand and recover from shocks, and to adapt and grow from these experiences. The pace at which we can carry out this diverse but connected set of actions will depend upon available resources, but taken together, they should allow us to thrive into an uncertain future.

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