"Management of the California State Water Project" by Department of Water Resources

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



Bulletin 132-99, Management of the California State Water Project, continues the Bulletin 132 annual series begun in 1963. Bulletin 132-99 updates water supply planning, construction, financing, management, and operation activities of the State Water Project. Appendix B contains data and computations used to determine the State Water Project contractors' Statement of Charges for 2000. Appendix B was previously published as an individual document.

The Bulletin discusses significant events and issues that affect SWP management and operations. The Bulletin covers the period from January 1, 1998, to December 31, 1998.

Bulletin 132-99 also discusses water supply and delivery; plans for the East Branch Extension; deregulation of the electric utilities industry; financial analysis of the SWP; and Delta resources and environmental issues, including the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.


Bulletin 132-99

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