"California farmworkers housing assistance plan, 1977" by Department of Housing and Community Development

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



Pursuant to its duties under Health and Safety Code Section 41125, the Commission of Housing and Community Development hereby refers the California Statewide Housing Plan, 1977 (which includes the Farmworker Housing Assistance Plan, reproduced in a separate volume) to the Legislature for review, revision, and adoption.

The Plan was prepared by the Department of Housing and Community Development, in conjunction with the Business and Transportation Agency. The Department and the Commission of Housing and Community Development jointly held extensive public hearings on drafts of the Plan. Private industry, local government, and other state agencies provided substantial and valuable input into the preparation of the Plan. The Commission commends the staff of the Department of Housing and Community Development for its diligent efforts to involve as many individuals and organizations as possible in the preparation of the Plan. These efforts not only made the Plan a better document, but also tended to assure that the Plan should have the widest possible public support and acceptance.

The Legislature has directed our Commission to send to it our comments on the Plan. Because the Plan has many aspects to it, and because each Commissioner's view of our state's housing problems differs somewhat, some Commissioners wish to comment separately · on the Plan. Those comments are attached.

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