"Land Use Within the California Coastal Zone" by California Department of Water Resources

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



The way land is used along the California coast is of great concern to the people of California. Our coast is an environmentally sensitive area and an invaluable esthetic and economic asset to our State. An important factor in protecting that asset is knowing what the I and has been used for in the past and how it is being used now so that future use can be channeled in the proper direction.

To aid this process, the Department of Water Resources is publishing this report, which presents the latest land use data assembled by the Department for the coastal zone as established under California law. The 161 land use maps in this report cover the coastal zone from Oregon to Mexico, a 526 000-hectare (1 ,300,000-acre) corridor that varies from 0.8 to 16 kilometres (1/2 to 10 miles) in width. The maps identify agricultural, native, urban, and recreational classes of land use in considerable detaiI, sometimes in parcels as small as 2 hectares (approximately 5 acres). Such basic data are needed for good land use planning. The Department of Water Resources has the most comprehensive program of land use data collection in the State, on a county basis.

We in the Department hope that this special compilation, which for the first time puts in one volume all the land use information we have collected in the coastal zone, will contribute to the State's efforts to preserve, protect, and wiseIy use our coastIine for our and future generations.


Department of Water Resources Bulletin 207.

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