"Management of the California State Water Project" by California Department of Water Resources

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



This Bulletin continues the Bulletin 132 annual series begin in 1963. This Bulletin updates water supply planning, construction, financing, management, and operation activities of the State Water Project. Appendix B contains date and computations used to determine the State Water Project contractors' Statement of Charges for 1998.

The bulletin discusses significant events and issues that affect SWP management and operations. Some items may be discussed in more than one bulletin since departmental programs are based on either the water year, calendar year, or fiscal year. This bulletin covers the period from Oct. 1, 1995, to June 30, 1997.

This bulletin also discusses the new year's floods of December 1996 and January 1997; the 40th anniversary of the Department of Water Resources; water supply and delivery; continued construction of the Coastal Branch, Phase II; plans for the East Branch Extension; the tunnel intake reconstruction project at Silverwood Lake; reorganization of the divisions of Planning and Local Assistance; implementation of the Monterey Agreement; amendments to water contracts; and Delta planning activities. There is also a memorial page for Clair A. Hill, a long-time supporter of California water issues.


Department of Water Resources Bulletin 132-97.

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