"Invest for California: Strategic Planning for California's Future Pros" by California Commission on Building for the 21st Century

Document Type

Committee Report

Publication Date



Shortly after taking office, Governor Gray Davis appointed the independent 48-member Commission on Building for the 21st Century through Executive Order D-4-99. The Governor appointed leaders from across the State representing business, labor, the environment, academics, and the government to provide recommendations to the Governor and other public and private sector leaders to address the State's infrastructure challenges over the next 20 years.

This document is the final report of' the Commission. It is intended to communicate the most important messages and findings of the Commission to the Governor, the Legislature, and the citizens of California. It distills the results of the Commissioners' best thinking, research, expert testimony, public comment, consultation, analysis, debate and deliberation.

A "Letter of Transmittal" dated February 27, 2002 is attached at the end of the download.

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