"Land-Use Planning and Regulation on the California Coast: The State Ro" by Institute of Governmental Affairs

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



California's thousand-mile coastline is one of her most precious and intensively used resources; about three-fourths of the state's population, about 15 million people in 1970, live within an hour's drive of the Pacific shoreline. Because of these facts Californians have become increasingly interested of late in formulating a statewide policy on the development and conservation of their coastal resources. This paper will provide a history of state policy in this field and a discussion of the various efforts to give the state government a greater role in the regulation of coastal land use. It will focus in addition on the people who have supported and opposed the various coastal policies. Since views on the proper future for the coastal zone vary, differences and similarities will be examined.


Environmental Quality Series No. 9.

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