"Families and Substance Abuse: The Case For A Comprehensive Approach" by Joint Select Task Force on the Changing Family

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



The California Legislature established the Joint Select Task Force on the Changing Family in September, 1987. It was charged with studying the social, economic, and demographic trends affecting California's families, assessing the significance of those trends for public policy, and recommending to the Legislature and the public policies that will better meet the needs of today's families.

During its three-year tenure, the Task Force held hearings and public meetings in cities across the state, received testimony from a wide range of experts, and listened to the concerns of many kinds of families. The findings and recommendations of the Task Force are reflected in several publications. Planning a Family Policy for California, the first year report of the Task Force, outlined major trends affecting the state's families and the inadequacies of our current policies. That report has been supplemented by several subsequent reports, including Falling Through the Safety Net: The Health Care Crisis and California's Families, Housing California's Families: The End of the American Dream? and Families and Adolescents: Dealing with Today's Realities.

This report, Families and Substance Abuse: The Case for A comprehensive Approach, reflects the specific concerns of the Task Force regarding a topic much on the public agenda. It is not intended as scholarly research, but rather as a presentation of issues and recommendations intended to contribute to the public discussion. The Task Force hopes Families and Substance Abuse will stimulate debate, contribute to public awareness, and motivate the Legislature and citizens of the state to address these issues of vital concern to California's families. The Task Force welcomes comments as part of its ongoing effort to respond to public input and promote the health and stability of the state's families.

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