"California Tribal-State Gambling Compacts, 1999-2006" by California Research Bureau

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



Since the enactment by California voters of Proposition 1A in March 2000, Indian casino gambling has expanded rapidly in the state and is now a $7.2 billion industry. 1 Sixty one of California's 1 08 federally recognized tribes have signed the tribal-state compact negotiated by Governor Davis in 1999, in anticipation of the passage of Proposition IA. Eight of those tribes have since negotiated amended 1999 compacts with the governor that have been ratified by the legislature, while five more tribes have negotiated amended 1999 compacts that have not been ratified. Another nine tribes have negotiated new tribal-state compacts; five of those compacts have been ratified by the legislature.

The purpose of this report is to examine the evolution of key provisions in California's tribal-state compacts. It does this by summarizing changes in major subjects such as revenue sharing and environmental standards, beginning with the 1999 compact, and then tracking major changes in subsequent compacts. The report is not intended to provide a detailed legal analysis or to cover all aspects of the compacts.

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