"California Constitution Revision Commission: Final Report and Recommen" by California Constitution Revision Commission

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



Three years ago, the legislature and the governor agreed that a fundamental review of California government was imperative. The result was the creation of the 23-member California Constitution Revision Commission.

The Commission, consisting of gubernatorial and legislative appointments and selected state officers, met for the first time in May 1994. The governor and legislative leaders addressed the Commission and urged it to be bold and creative and to consider all relevant issues-however controversial. The Commission's recommendations reflect those admonitions. Thirty public meetings were held including four formal public hearings, plus five workshops and, along with the League of Women Voters, 39 community forums and video conferences. The Commission completed its work and went out of business on June 30, 1996. During the course of our work, it became very clear that we needed to change the way state and local governments operate.

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