Animal Law | Conferences, Lectures and Workshops | Golden Gate University School of Law


The California Animal Law Symposium is a student-run conference on current and trending animal legal issues within the state of California. Law student animal law chapters from around the state participate by hosting panels on various topics including civil, criminal, and legislative issues. The event is a great opportunity for law students interested in networking with animal lawyers and provides MCLE credit to practicing attorneys. In addition, the event also attracts attendees from many different fields of animal welfare including rescue and shelter, nonprofit organizations, and law enforcement.

The first California Annual Animal Law Symposium was held at Golden Gate University School of Law on March 3, 2013.

Browse the contents of California Animal Law Symposium:

2021 California Animal Law Symposium: Exotic Animals: Understanding the Issues and Using Litigation and Legislation to Combat Abuse
2019 California Animal Law Symposium: Animals in Entertainment: Utilizing Litigation, Legislation and Elections to Combat Abuse
2018 - Fourth Annual California Animal Law Symposium: Bringing it Home: Solving Family Issues
2017 - Third Annual California Animal Law Symposium: Marine Life
2014 - Second Annual California Animal Law Symposium
2013 - First Annual California Animal Law Symposium: How to Create a Better Environment for Animals in a Human-Dominated World