2013 - First Annual California Animal Law Symposium: How to Create a Better Environment for Animals in a Human-Dominated World
Event Title
Common Issues Prosecutors Confront When Litigating Animal Cruelty Cases and an Overview of the Link Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence
Start Date
3-3-2013 12:15 PM
End Date
3-3-2013 1:15 PM
Despite strong expectations of high conviction rates and stiff sentences in animal cruelty cases, the justice system routinely fails to perform. This talk covers the substantive and procedural issues that contribute to these disappointing outcomes and suggest a host of solutions to ensure better outcomes for these voiceless victims, including a discussion of the well documented link between animal abuse and other forms of violence.
Common Issues Prosecutors Confront When Litigating Animal Cruelty Cases and an Overview of the Link Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence
Despite strong expectations of high conviction rates and stiff sentences in animal cruelty cases, the justice system routinely fails to perform. This talk covers the substantive and procedural issues that contribute to these disappointing outcomes and suggest a host of solutions to ensure better outcomes for these voiceless victims, including a discussion of the well documented link between animal abuse and other forms of violence.