"Effects of ADA on Golf Courses" by Janet Barbookles

Golden Gate University Law Review


This Comment examines the possible accommodations and structural improvements that golf course owners may be required to provide for disabled golfers to comply with ADA regulations. Part I discusses Title III of the ADA, which ensures that private entities offering commercial facilities and providing places of public accommodations provide equal access to all. Part II examines possible future accommodations, the reasonableness of these accommodations and whether they create an undue burden for golf clubs. Part III argues ways in which possible accommodations might fundamentally alter the nature of professional golf. Part IV recommends achievable solutions for golf clubs in making reasonable accommodations to golf courses without creating an undue financial burden. Lastly, Part V concludes that while ADA compliance issues within the golf industry still exist, golf clubs are capable of providing reasonable access to courses for disabled players without creating an undue burden.
