
Golden Gate University Law Review


This article is divided into eight sections. Section II analyzes the status and trends in forestry resources in East Africa and the relevance of the forestry sector in national economic development and regional integration. This section emphasizes the applicability of forestry goods and services in addressing rural poverty and proposes that investments targeted at increasing the productivity of the sector could provide the much needed stimuli for national economic development. Section III assesses the UNCED processes that gave birth to the Rio Forest Principles and the relevant forestry provisions in Agenda 21. Section IV analyzes the contributions of the EAC Member States in the UNCED forest agenda while section V reviews the UNCED commitments8 as they relate to forests. Section VI looks at the implementation of the UNCED forest related commitments at the regional level while section VII analyzes the common features of forestry reforms in the EAC Member States. Section VIII concludes with the proposition that the major problems of implementation has been the failure of the EAC countries to more systematically move towards reforming their legal and institutional framework to respond to the management challenges introduced by the UNCED process.
