
Newspaper Clippings - Miscellaneous Topics


Document Type

News Article

Publication Date



The Jesse Carter Collection at Golden Gate University School of Law Library contains many newspaper clippings that represent the jurist’s career. These clippings have been digitized for inclusion in this archive.

Some of the attached files are of poor print quality due to the quality of the originals we have on hand. Some articles have had their columns adjusted to fit on one page. We have added the date and name of the newspaper where it is known. It is likely that all articles were taken from either the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, or the Marin Independent Journal.

SearchSeizure.pdf (839 kB)
Search, Seizure: State Supreme Court Justice Asks Tighter Law Against Illegal Raids

JesseCarterAddressesLawGuild.pdf (48 kB)
Jesse Carter Addresses Law Guild, SF Chronicle 2/23/1953

SharpDissentInTopStateCourt.pdf (827 kB)
Sharp Dissent in Top State Court, SF Chronicle, 4/15/1953

JusticeCarterParriesAttackOnHisDissents.pdf (67 kB)
Justice Carter Parries Attack on His Dissents, SF Chronicle, 1/10/1954

JudgeCarterLashesOutAtColleagues.pdf (526 kB)
Judge Carter Lashes Out At Colleagues, SF Chronicle, 7/12/1954

CarterLaudsCourtRulingOnBugging.pdf (575 kB)
Carter Lauds Court Ruling on 'Bugging', SF Chronicle, 5/4/1955

JusticeCarterDissentsBlastsIllegalEvidence.pdf (144 kB)
Jusitce Carter Dissents, Blasts Illegal Evidence, SF Chronicle, 2/6/1956

FiringOfOfficialsForIgnoringRightsUrged.pdf (130 kB)
Firing of Officials for Ignoring Rights Urged, SF Chronicle, 2/10/1956

GoldenGateCollegeToHonorJudgeCarter.pdf (276 kB)
Golden Gate College to Honor Judge Carter, SF Chronicle, 6/3/1956

CallCarterStormyDissenter.pdf (66 kB)
Call Carter Stormy Dissenter, SF Call-Bulletin, 3/28/1958

NoEarlyRetirementSaysCarter.pdf (16 kB)
No Early Retirement, Says Carter, 7/9/1958

CarterSaysRetirementRumorFalse.pdf (24 kB)
Carter Says Retirement Rumor False, 7/9/1958

JudgeCarterAsksCutInAssessment.pdf (31 kB)
Judge Carter Asks Cut In Assessment, 8/5/1958

NewbumperStripCampaignSprouts.pdf (125 kB)
New Bumper Strip Campaign Sprouts, Independent-Journal, 10/30/1958

This document is currently not available here.
