"Engaging Work, Working While Engaged" by Rachel A. Van Cleave

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Several recent items have led me to reflect on the meaning of work. Law students often ask my advice about their careers, and I typically ask them what they enjoy. “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day” is one of my favorite quotes. Therefore, Gordon Marino’s piece in the New York Times, Sunday Review, A Life Beyond ‘Do What You Love’ (May 18, 2014), gave me pause. Marino questions whether the advice of do what you love is really sound advice, as well as whether it is advice only for the elite who might have the luxury of following their passion. I certainly love my current job, and I have always loved the different jobs I have held. What should I tell these law students and recent graduates, especially when the legal profession is undergoing tremendous transformations and remains a challenging job market?


Published at Law.com on June 9, 2014.
