
Golden Gate University Law Review


This Comment will cover three main topics. First, this Comment will tell the story of the Charleston strike and the individual women involved. Second, this Comment will examine, through the eyes of those individuals, the unique ways in which race and gender come together to create unique circumstances that deserve legal consideration. For both of these sections, I use the women's own voices to illustrate and reinforce substantive points. Third, this comment will describe the 10-day strike notice provision, examining how it would have affected the Charleston workers had it been enacted in 1969 during the time of the strike. Finally, in light of those observations concerning race and gender, I will propose an exception to the 10-day strike notice provision. This proposed exception to the l0-day strike notice provision is particularly important to women because they are more likely to work as a health care providers and therefore are more likely to be affected by health care legislation.

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