Date of Award

Fall 2016

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Emerging technologies, increased fuel-efficiency, alternative fuel-based vehicles, and mandated state legislation require an updated revenue model to provide a more sustainable funding source for the transportation system. The gas tax is the main contributor to the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), which pays for the operations and maintenance of transportation infrastructure and mass transit projects. However, the gas tax no longer provides a sustainable funding source that meets current infrastructure needs. Loss of gas tax for local road repair and maintenance is being recognized at the local level. As more fuel efficient and alternative fuel-based vehicles become commonplace and gas usage declines, an alternative to the gas tax should be considered. A Road User Charge (RUC), which charges a fee per vehicle mile driven, is a viable solution, which accounts for increases in fuel efficiency and alternative fuel-based vehicles. This research case study will be conducted in Contra Costa County. Primary data will be collected through key informant interviews in both the public and private sectors and through public opinion surveys in Contra Costa County, California. Secondary data collected from government agencies and scholarly sources will be reviewed to compare and contrast the revenue sustainability of the gas tax versus a RUC. This case study will also consider public acceptability, privacy issues, and whether a RUC has the ability to improve congestion. The results of this case study may provide information on whether a RUC could provide a more sustainable funding source for the maintenance and operations of the transportation infrastructure and mass-transit projects in Contra Costa County, California.
